Tvůrce The Avalon Hill Game Company Hry

1830: Railroads & Robber Barons (DOS)

3-D Brickaway (Atari 2600)

3-D Brickaway (Commodore 64)

3-D Brickaway (TRS-80 CoCo)

5th Fleet (DOS)

Achtung Spitfire (Macintosh (Mac))

Achtung Spitfire (Windows)

Achtung Spitfire (Windows 3.x)

Advanced Civilization (DOS)

Andromeda Conquest (Apple II)

Andromeda Conquest (Atari 8-bit)

Andromeda Conquest (Commodore 64)

Andromeda Conquest (Commodore PET/CBM)

Andromeda Conquest (DOS)

Andromeda Conquest (FM-7)

Andromeda Conquest (TRS-80)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (Atari 8-bit)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (Commodore 64)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (Commodore PET/CBM)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (DOS)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (FM-7)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (TI-99/4A)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (TRS-80)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (VIC-20)

B-1 Nuclear Bomber (Apple II)

Beast War (Apple II)

Bomber Attack (Apple II)

Bomber Attack (Atari 8-bit)

Bomber Attack (Commodore 64)

Bomber Attack (Commodore PET/CBM)

Bomber Attack (VIC-20)

By Fire & Sword (DOS)

Cavewars (DOS)

Clear for Action (Atari 8-bit)

Clear for Action (TRS-80)

Close Assault (Apple II)

Close Assault (Atari 8-bit)

Close Assault (TRS-80)

Computer Acquire (TRS-80)

Computer Acquire (Apple II)

Computer Acquire (Atari 8-bit)

Computer Acquire (Commodore PET/CBM)

Computer Circus Maximus (DOS)

Computer Diplomacy (DOS)

Computer Diplomacy (TRS-80)

Computer Facts in Five (Atari 8-bit)

Computer Facts in Five (DOS)

Computer Football Strategy (TRS-80)

Computer Football Strategy (Atari 8-bit)

Computer Football Strategy (Commodore 64)

Computer Statis Pro Baseball (Apple II)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (Apple II)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (Atari 8-bit)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (Commodore 64)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (Commodore PET/CBM)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (DOS)

Computer Stocks & Bonds (TRS-80)

Conflict 2500 (Apple II)

Conflict 2500 (Atari 8-bit)

Conflict 2500 (Commodore PET/CBM)

Conflict 2500 (FM-7)

Conflict 2500 (TRS-80)

Controller (Apple II)

Controller (Atari 8-bit)

D-Day: America Invades (DOS)

D-Day: America Invades (Macintosh (Mac))

Darkhorn: Realm of the Warlords (Commodore 64)

Darkhorn: Realm of the Warlords (Apple II)

Death Trap (Atari 2600)

Dnieper River Line (FM-7)

Dnieper River Line (PC-88)

Dnieper River Line (TRS-80)

Dnieper River Line (Apple II)

Dnieper River Line (Atari 8-bit)

Dnieper River Line (Commodore 64)

Dnieper River Line (Commodore PET/CBM)

Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex (Apple II)

Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex (Commodore 64)

Dr. Ruth's Computer Game of Good Sex (DOS)

Draw Poker (TRS-80)

Draw Poker (Apple II)

Draw Poker (Atari 8-bit)

Draw Poker (Commodore 64)

Draw Poker (Commodore PET/CBM)

Draw Poker (DOS)

Dreadnoughts (Apple II)

Dreadnoughts (Commodore 64)

Empire of the Over-Mind (TRS-80)

Empire of the Over-Mind (Apple II)

Empire of the Over-Mind (Atari 8-bit)

Flight Commander 2 (Macintosh (Mac))

Flight Commander 2 (Windows 3.x)

Flight Commander 2 Mission Builder (Windows 3.x)

Fortress of the Witch King (Apple II)

Fortress of the Witch King (Commodore 64)

Fortress of the Witch King (FM-7)

Fortress of the Witch King (PC-88)

Galaxy (Apple II)

Galaxy (Atari 8-bit)

Galaxy (Commodore 64)

Galaxy (Commodore PET/CBM)

Galaxy (DOS)

Galaxy (FM-7)

Galaxy (TI-99/4A)

Galaxy (TRS-80)

Guderian (Apple II)

Guderian (Atari 8-bit)

Guderian (Commodore 64)

Gulf Strike (Apple II)

Gulf Strike (Atari 8-bit)

Gulf Strike (Commodore 64)

Gulf Strike (DOS)

Guns of Fort Defiance (Atari 8-bit)

Guns of Fort Defiance (Commodore 64)

Guns of Fort Defiance (Commodore PET/CBM)

Guns of Fort Defiance (TRS-80)

Guns of Fort Defiance (Apple II)

GYPSY (Atari 8-bit)

History of the World (Windows)

History of the World (Windows 3.x)

Incunabula (DOS)

Jupiter Mission 1999 (Atari 8-bit)

Jupiter Mission 1999 (Commodore 64)

Kingmaker (Amiga)

Kingmaker (Atari ST)

Kingmaker (DOS)

Legends of the Lost Realm (Macintosh (Mac))

Legends of the Lost Realm II: Wilderlands (Macintosh (Mac))

Legionnaire (Atari 8-bit)

Legionnaire (Commodore 64)

Legionnaire (Apple II)

London Blitz (Atari 2600)

London Blitz (Commodore 64)

Lords of Karma (Apple II)

Lords of Karma (Atari 8-bit)

Lords of Karma (Commodore PET/CBM)

Lords of Karma (TRS-80)

Macbeth (Commodore 64)

Maxwell Manor (Apple II)

Maxwell Manor (Atari 8-bit)

Maxwell Manor (Commodore 64)

Midway Campaign (DOS)

Midway Campaign (FM-7)

Midway Campaign (TRS-80)

Midway Campaign (TRS-80 CoCo)

Midway Campaign (VIC-20)

Midway Campaign (Apple II)

Midway Campaign (Atari 8-bit)

Midway Campaign (Commodore 64)

Midway Campaign (Commodore PET/CBM)

Mission on Thunderhead (Apple II)

Mission on Thunderhead (Atari 8-bit)

Mission on Thunderhead (Commodore 64)

Moon Patrol (Atari 8-bit)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (Apple II)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (Atari 8-bit)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (Commodore 64)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (Commodore PET/CBM)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (FM-7)

North Atlantic Convoy Raider (TRS-80)

Nukewar (VIC-20)

Nukewar (Atari 8-bit)

Nukewar (Commodore 64)

Nukewar (Commodore PET/CBM)

Nukewar (FM-7)

Nukewar (Apple II)

Nukewar (TRS-80)

Operation Crusader (DOS)

Operation Crusader (Macintosh (Mac))

Out of Control (Atari 2600)

Over the Reich (Macintosh (Mac))

Over the Reich (Windows)

Over the Reich (Windows 3.x)

Panzer-Jagd (Commodore 64)

Panzer-Jagd (Atari 8-bit)

Panzers East! (Commodore 64)

Panzers East! (TRS-80)

Panzers East! (TRS-80 CoCo)

Paris in Danger (Atari 8-bit)

Parthian Kings (Commodore 64)

Planet Miners (Commodore PET/CBM)

Planet Miners (FM-7)

Planet Miners (TRS-80)

Planet Miners (Apple II)

Planet Miners (Atari 8-bit)

Quest of the Space Beagle (Atari 8-bit)

Quest of the Space Beagle (Commodore 64)


Ripper! (Commodore 64)

Roadracer Bowler (Commodore PET/CBM)

Roadracer Bowler (Atari 8-bit)

Shootout at the OK Galaxy (Atari 8-bit)

Shootout at the OK Galaxy (Commodore 64)

Shootout at the OK Galaxy (TRS-80 CoCo)

Shootout at the OK Galaxy (VIC-20)

Shuttle Orbiter (Atari 2600)

Space Station Zulu (FM-7)

Space Station Zulu (PC-88)

Space Station Zulu (Apple II)

Space Station Zulu (Atari 8-bit)

Spitfire '40 (MSX)

Spitfire '40 (ZX Spectrum)

Spitfire '40 (Amstrad CPC)

Spitfire '40 (Atari 8-bit)

Spitfire '40 (Atari ST)

Spitfire '40 (BBC Micro)

Spitfire '40 (Commodore 64)

Spitfire '40 (Electron)

Super Bowl Sunday (Apple II)

Super Bowl Sunday (Commodore 64)

Super Bowl Sunday (PC Booter)

TAC: Tactical Armor Command (Apple II)

TAC: Tactical Armor Command (Atari 8-bit)

TAC: Tactical Armor Command (Commodore 64)

Tank Arkade (Atari 8-bit)

Tank Arkade (Commodore PET/CBM)

Tank Arkade (TRS-80)

Tank Arkade (VIC-20)

Tanktics (TRS-80)

Tanktics (Apple II)

Tanktics (Atari 8-bit)

Tanktics (Commodore PET/CBM)

Tanktics (FM-7)

Telengard (PC-98)

Telengard (TRS-80)

Telengard (Apple II)

Telengard (Windows)

Telengard (Atari 8-bit)

Telengard (Commodore 64)

Telengard (Commodore PET/CBM)

Telengard (DOS)

Telengard (FM-7)

Telengard (PC-88)

The Alien (Apple II)

The Alien (FM-7)

The Alien (PC-88)

Third Reich (DOS)

Third Reich (Amiga)

Third Reich (Atari ST)

Third Reich (PC-98)

Tsushima (Commodore 64)

Tsushima (Apple II)

Under Fire! (Apple II)

Under Fire! (Commodore 64)

Under Fire! (DOS)

Under Southern Skies (Apple II)

VC (FM-7)

VC (PC-88)

VC (TRS-80)

VC (TRS-80 CoCo)

VC (Apple II)

VC (Atari 8-bit)


Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (FM-7)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (PC-88)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (TRS-80)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (TRS-80 CoCo)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (Apple II)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (Atari 8-bit)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (Commodore PET/CBM)

Voyager I: Sabotage of the Robot Ship (DOS)

Wooden Ships & Iron Men (DOS)

World at War: Volume II - Stalingrad (DOS)

World at War: Volume II - Stalingrad (Macintosh (Mac))

Zardon (Atari 8-bit)

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