Tvůrce TalonSoft Hry

12 O'Clock High: Bombing the Reich (Windows)

Age of Sail (Windows)

Age of Sail (Windows 3.x)

Age of Sail II (Windows)

Age of Sail II: Privateer's Bounty (Windows)

Battle of Britain (Windows)

Battleground 1: Bulge - Ardennes Deluxe (Windows)

Battleground 2: Gettysburg (Windows)

Battleground 2: Gettysburg (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 2: Gettysburg (Collector's Edition) (Windows)

Battleground 2: Gettysburg (Collector's Edition) (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 3: Waterloo (Windows)

Battleground 3: Waterloo (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 4: Shiloh (Windows)

Battleground 4: Shiloh (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 5: Antietam (Windows)

Battleground 5: Antietam (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia (Windows)

Battleground 6: Napoleon in Russia (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 7: Bull Run (Windows)

Battleground 7: Bull Run (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo (Windows)

Battleground 8: Prelude to Waterloo (Windows 3.x)

Battleground 9: Chickamauga (Windows)

Battleground Collection 1 (Windows)

Battleground Collection 1 (Windows 3.x)

Battleground Collection 2 (Windows)

Battleground Collection 2 (Windows 3.x)

Battleground: Ardennes (Windows 3.x)

Battleground: Ardennes (Windows)

Codename: Eagle (Windows)

Divided Ground: Middle East Conflict 1948-1973 (Windows)

Dogs of War (Windows)

East Front (Windows)

East Front 2 (Windows)

East Front Campaign CD 1 (Windows)

Europe in Flames (Windows)

Hidden & Dangerous (Dreamcast)

Hidden & Dangerous (PlayStation)

Hidden & Dangerous (Windows)

Hidden & Dangerous Action Pack (Windows)

Hidden & Dangerous: Devil's Bridge (Windows)

Jagged Alliance 2 (Linux)

Jagged Alliance 2 (Windows)

JetFighter IV: Fortress America (Windows)

Martian Gothic: Unification (PlayStation)

Martian Gothic: Unification (Windows)

Merchant Prince II (Windows)

Metal Fatigue (Windows)

Norm Koger's the Operational Art of War Vol 1: 1939-1955 (Windows)

Norm Koger's the Operational Art of War Vol 1: 1939-1955 - Battle Pack I Scenario Add-on Disk (Windows)

Rising Sun (Windows)

Rising Sun Gold (Windows)

Rising Sun: Imperial Strike (Windows)

Spec Ops II: Green Berets (Windows)

Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (PlayStation)

Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (PlayStation 3)

Spec Ops: Stealth Patrol (PSP)

Talonsoft's World at War (Windows)

The Operational Art of War II: Elite Edition (Windows)

The Operational Art of War II: Flashpoint Kosovo (Windows)

The Operational Art of War II: Modern Battles 1956-2000 (Windows)

The Operational Art of War Vol 1: 1939-1955 - Elite⋆Edition (Windows)

The Operational Art of War Vol 1: 1939-1955 - Wargame of the Year Edition (Windows)

The Operational Art of War: Century of Warfare (Windows)

Tribal Rage (Windows)

Tzar: The Burden of the Crown (Windows)

West Front (Windows)

West Front: Battle Pack 1 (Windows)

West Front: Elite Edition (Windows)

West Front: Operation Sea Lion (Windows)

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